Call to Action v1

[vc_mad_cta title=”Class Packs & Memberships” subtitle=”Purchase now to save on yoga classes” image1=”319″ title_color=”#ffffff” subheading_text_color=”#f1f1f1″ link=”url:%23|title:CHECK%20THEM%20OUT|target:%20_blank|”]

Call to Action v2

[vc_mad_cta title=”Deepen and Enhance The Quality of Your Teachings” subtitle=”Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget, malesuada at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus.” type=”type2″ image1=”1837″ title_color=”#ffffff” subheading_text_color=”#f1f1f1″ link=”url:%23|title:ENROLL%20NOW|target:%20_blank|”]

Call to Action v3

[vc_mad_cta title=”Become a Member Today!” subtitle=”Cancel at any time. 100% money back guarantee.” type=”type3″ image1=”339″ title_color=”#ffffff” subheading_text_color=”#f1f1f1″ link=”url:%23|title:START%20YOUR%2014-DAY%20FREE%20TRIAL|target:%20_blank|”]

Call to Action v4

[vc_mad_cta title=”Start Your Yoga Practice For Free” subtitle=”Get your all-access pass to over 4,000 premium online yoga classes.
Unlimited access for $15/month.” type=”type4″ image1=”1828″ link=”url:%23|title:START%20YOUR%2014-DAY%20FREE%20TRIAL|target:%20_blank|” second_link=”Cancel at any time. 100% money back guarantee.”]